Dátum: 2014.12.07

Feladó: KnfkPzsjo2m


[url=https://www.greenhillthelodge.com]timber land[/url] [url=https://www.newbalancesskor.com/]timber land[/url] [url=https://www.deansaundersmusic.com/]timber land[/url] The human mind is a tool of limitless potential, and yet I spend a lot of my time using mine to think about how awesome a Mario Paint-Guitar Hero mashup would be. Seriously, hear me out: Remember Mario Paint's composer mode, where you could make your own songs using Mario items as notes? Combine it with Guitar Hero gameplay, and the result is a game where you can create your own songs and then play them on instruments , or simply make insanely difficult songs to try to stump your friends. While others are thinking of ways to make this world a better place for their fellow human beings, this is the crap that keeps me up at night. I come up with ways to combine existing video games into different ones that don't exist, and probably never will. Why? Because they're simply too goddamn cool. Such is my burden. Please allow me to unload some of it on you. [url=https://www.deansaundersmusic.com/]timber land men[/url] s. Group W Productions [url=https://www.greenhillthelodge.com]timber land[/url] [url=https://www.greenhillthelodge.com]timber land boots[/url] 5. Aliensca. ign-articles-2007-12-07-alien-evolutionThe most infamous example of sexual imagery run amok is the result of disturbing artist H. R. Giger and director Riley Scott. The entire Alien franchise is nothing but dicks and butts and vaginas that want to hump you into oblivion. It's not enough that it's sexual imagery; it's sexual imagery that wants to hurt you so bad, you feel like you're watching Prometheus. We've told you before about how the aliens are just giant penises with even smaller penises in their constantly ejaculating mouths, and how the chambers in the alien pilot vessels are all accessed through giant vaginas, but if you try to actually add up all the imagery in just one Alien movie, you'll be up to your neck in labia and foreskins before the third act. Look at the face hugger. It's an ass with a vagina on the bottom and penis fingers. The vagina is actually at the end of a penis that gets forced down your throat once the penis fingers hug your head and squeeze its butt-body all tight against you. It then proceeds to peen-vag your throat so hard that you end up with a baby penis-headed monster inside you that explodes its own birth canal out of your chest. monstrous-fem. blogspot-So . . . was it good for you?The alien Queen has a giant vag chute that deposits gross eggs everywhere, each one a big, green seed pod with huge labia on top. Whenever someone gets close enough to stimulate them, the labia spread wide open. The Queen's tail is a massive dong that rips Bishop in half through the process of penetrating him -- he gets fucked right in half!The entire franchise is built on a foundation of sexual terror: the fear of being violated by the Other, by something different from oneself, in a violent and uncontrolled way. The aliens are a semi-organized and inexplicably intelligent species of interstellar rapists that will violate you to death and actually use your violation to fuel the cycle by producing another of their kind from your pain. As Alien 3 made abundantly clear with the alien-dog hybrid, the alien offspring is partially born of the genetics of its host animal, meaning your little rapist baby is literally, genetically a part of you. You're not just victimized once, you're forced to partake in the victimization of another generation of victims. That's even worse. [url=https://www.greenhillthelodge.com]timber land boots[/url] byBennett Rea17. [url=https://www.newbalancesskor.com/]timber land men[/url] 3. Fox NewsWikiCommonsHey! Thanks for sticking around as long as you did, everyone who saw the name "Fox News" in a column about things that aren't as bad as they seem and immediately stopped reading so you could hightail it to the comment section to tell me you saw the name "Fox News" in a column about things that aren't as bad as they seem and immediately stopped reading!As for everyone else, please understand, I'm not really saying Fox News is a good thing. Their main function in society is to promote talking points that, more often than not, come from people I disagree with on just about every level possible. That said, how convenient is it that all of those wacky opinions and talking points are gathered in one easy-to-remember location? Think about how good people on the anti-Fox News side of things have it compared to people who have to blame all of their problems on "the liberal media. " Depending on the content of the news story or article in question, that can be just about anyone. If you view "Fox News vs. liberal media" as two separate sides of a war, like a lot of totally-helpful-to-the-fabric-of-American-society types do, you definitely want to be on the side that knows exactly where the enemy fire is going to be coming from. Thomas Northcut-Digital Vision-Getty Images [url=https://www.newbalanceszapatos.com/]timber land[/url] 5. Quote from Man Stabbed: "What Are You Gonna Do, Stab Me?"LA Weekly"Now that you mention it," responds the assailant. Oh thank God. Thank God the victim in question survived and I don't have to live with the psychic burden of laughing at a fatality. I mean, hopefully he lived and made a full recovery and possibly learned a valuable lesson about the place of skepticism in gang warfare. But at the very least, he lived. Here's what really gets me:The headline on the actual news story is nothing special. It's about what you'd expect: "Man Stabbed in the Throat in East Spokane. " That's not funny. That's terrible, and I'm sorry it happened to anybody. If you gain any amount of joy from that information, well, hopefully you look like Christian Bale so your psychosis is a bit easier for the audience to swallow. But that's not the text that the local TV news went with. No, the guy in charge of those pointless info-dumps on your local TV news delved into the depressing details of a knife attack, and he came back up with poetry. You know he wrote it that way on purpose. There are a million ways to phrase the events that transpired that aren't funny in the slightest -- "The victim did not believe the threat was real and questioned his attacker's intent" -- and only one way to phrase it that is funny:QUOTE FROM MAN STABBED: "WHAT ARE YOU GONNA DO, STAB ME?"That was some next level shit, slide writer for the local TV news. I hope that as soon as you finished typing that headline, you leveled up out of that job like a Final Fantasy character and went on to write for SNL or something. Also, let's not overlook the real hero here: the victim. Sure, it's stupid in [url=https://www.greenhillthelodge.com]timber land men[/url]

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