[url=https://www.paleochristian.com]Christian Louboutin Shoes[/url] [url=https://www.paleochristian.com]Christian Louboutin Outlet[/url] Plus, do you know how expensive a Saturn V is? Like . . . a couple grand, at least. Over the course of months, Roberts hatched his plan to steal part of the moon. Eventually, he met and fell in love with an intern, Tiffany Fowler, who agreed to help him commit the celestial heist. So what sort of sophisticated Ocean's 11-style caper did they embark upon to snatch the precious space rocks? Did they need to steal security codes? Hack the surveillance cameras? Somersault in between security lasers?Ha ha, no! They just loaded the 600-pound safe onto a dolly and walked right out the goddamn door, presumably whistling nonchalantly the whole time. Brand X Pictures-Stockbyte-Getty Now, it's worth mentioning that Roberts was a little bit nuts. He admitted in an interview that, after making off with his prize, he took Fowler to a hotel room and put the moon rocks under the blankets so that they were "basically having sex on the moon. " We sort of get the appeal, but that still sounds uncomfortable as hell. Anyway, Roberts was eventually caught trying to sell his stash, valued at a staggering 21 million, to some undercover FBI agents. Because of course they were FBI agents. If you're advertising moon rocks for sale right after a historic theft of moon rocks, it doesn't take a super sleuth to deduce that they may in fact be the same moon rocks. Jon Feingersh-Blend Images-Getty Images [url=https://www.greenhillthelodge.com]cheap timberland boots[/url] As we've pointed out previously, we tend to view our idols through rose tinted glasses. Thankfully, our readers have volunteered to take those glasses and smash them on the ground for you. In the name of the truth, our readers went all TMZ on famous and historical pop culture icons. Winner got 200 . . . 21. [url=https://www.foodandsolutions.it]Moncler Soldes[/url] [url=https://www.cluboutfitters.net]Cheap Chanel HandBags Outlet[/url] ". . . Shit. "Since women possess far too much common sense to participate in something as ludicrous as a duel, Lincoln was forced to accept Shields' challenge on his fiancee's behalf. And that was a problem, because Shields was an experienced marksman, whereas Lincoln had little experience in the art of remotely drilling holes in other humans. Abe did have two things going for him, though: A> he got to set the terms of the duel, and B> he was basically superhuman. Lincoln used those two things to his every advantage: The duel would take place in a tiny arena where the participants would be separated by a wooden plank , and rather than Shields' preferred weapon of choice , they would use fucking broadswords. Lincoln's carefully planned-out terms had precisely the desired effect. When they arrived at the duel and drew their broadswords, Lincoln reached up with his Stretch Armstrong arms and sliced a branch out of the top of a nearby willow tree. And that was the only limb hacked off that day, because Shields immediately called off the duel without so much as a drop of blood spilled -- although some say there was a puddle of something around his feet that day. liosc-iStock-Getty Images [url=https://www.dakotatrailwaysbuscompany.com]Chanel Classic 2.55[/url] The books themselves?No, friend, they were smoking the thinking of their time, a pungent zeitgeist packed deep in the bowel of their minds, throwing off the smoke of incredible stories and ideas. Also, incredibly colonialist and-or racist stories and ideas. So hold on to your butts. [url=https://www.newbalancesskor.com/]timberland mujer[/url] Perhaps the greatest meet-cute ever written. Sword-and-planet stories haven't completely faded away, of course, some of their principles living on in aspects of other science fiction <Star Wars' lightsabers, most notably>. But the central premise of a "civilized" man arriving and fixing the natives' problems with his civilized brains and civilized brawn has faded away. Which is perhaps for the best. [url=https://www.chrisperry4pec.com]Moncler Jackets Sale UK[/url] Someone on this comically long couch isn't happy, that's for sure. You hear about couples doing the deed in front of each other mostly in stories about someone sneaking in to pinch off a particularly rowdy dump while the other half of the team is in the shower. If this sounds like you, the next thing I want to know is how long the other involved party has been OK with this behavior. Did they take to it immediately, possibly even returning the favor by shitting during your shower time at some point down the road? If so, good; it sounds like you two disgusting fucks are perfect for each other. Thanks for taking each other off the rest of society's hands. On the other hand, did they just eventually stop protesting and take the humiliation quietly? In that case, your mate isn't "comfortable"; your mate is broken. Your insistence on sharing in filth time has finally conquered their spirit. Thinkstock Images-Stockbyte-Getty [url=https://www.chrisperry4pec.com]Moncler Outlet UK[/url]
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Téma: Elhidegülés
Dátum: 2014.12.17
[url=https://www.quickwindowsquote.com]Wholesale Cheap Nike Air Jordan 4[/url] [url=https://www.paleochristian.com]Christian Louboutin Shoes[/url] "Shit, this is New Kids on the Block. "It doesn't seem like the sort of job where you'd want to steal from the till, but damn it, NASA has some awesome stuff that's just begging to be stolen . . . The Crime:While he'd finally made it to the big show, Roberts' dreams of space travel took a backseat when he noticed a selection of moon rocks -- and one from Mars -- that a NASA scientist kept in a locked safe in his office. He decided: Fuck going to the moon, he had the moon right here. Kolossos [url=https://www.indianaproductionservice.it]Timberland work boots[/url] No, you're right, I'll shut the fuck up. "If you pictured Rockpocalypse as a spectacular showdown between over-the-top wrestling moves and an end-of-the-world disaster movie, well done on being better at WWE games than the WWE. Their budget for this touchscreen time-waster barely stretched to the title. Rockpocalypse cost more than every other line of code in this put together, and tapping through the resulting game is less fun than tapping out of a cross arm-breaker. WWE Inc [url=https://www.workin9to5.de]Cheap Uggs 5825[/url] [url=https://www.gan-cancer.com]Cheap Nike Air Max[/url] 4. Mark Twain Bullshitted His Way Out of a DuelWiki CommonsThe "father of American literature" really needs no introduction. The quintessential American author, humorist, and satirist has been universally loved and admired by everyone from peons to American presidents to European royalty -- with the exception of one guy who wanted to give him a fatal, . 58-caliber body piercing. Before publishing any of his great works, the newly christened Mark Twain was editor of the Virginia City Enterprise. In his capacity as editor, Twain took it upon himself to relentlessly critique and slander James Laird, the editor of a rival newspaper. Twain's incessant needling built up to a head, and when it finally blew, Laird challenged him to a duel. Twain readily accepted -- a decision that, in retrospect, seemed a bit rash, given the facts that Twain barely knew "which end [of the revolver] to level at the adversary" and that Laird was "longer and thinner than a rail. "Mathew Brady [url=https://www.greenhillthelodge.com]cheap timberland boots[/url] "Your dick. That could've been your dick. "Needless to say, Laird called off the duel, and the future of American literature was saved via a combination of luck and trickery that would make Loki jealous. [url=https://www.quickwindowsquote.com]Nike Air Jordan 5[/url] byH_Sophisto18. [url=https://www.paleochristian.com]Christian Louboutin Outlet[/url] Call Google?That's a trick question, actually. See, your presence is never required. You stay your grumpy asses at home. Sure, people might want you around, but the party will surely roll on without you, and that's definitely the preferred outcome if the only party favors you plan to bring are the deep-seated internal conflicts you have with your partner. If the two of you hope to retain your membership in a circle of friends that gather regularly to do fun things, plan on checking your bullshit differences at the door whenever you meet up. Anything less is the very height of discourtesy. Furthermore, whatever you think you bring to the party isn't even sort of worth the aggravation that having a couple in the throes of a passionate dispute around brings to everyone involved. Robert Koene-Photodisc-Getty Images [url=https://www.chrisperry4pec.com]Moncler Jackets Sale UK[/url]
Dátum: 2014.12.13
[url=https://www.newbalancesskor.com/]timber land[/url] [url=https://www.deansaundersmusic.com/]timber land[/url] [url=https://www.newbalanceszapatos.com/]timber land[/url] Correction: definitely. [url=https://www.newbalanceszapatos.com/]timber land boots[/url] Available at The Yetee [url=https://www.newbalancesskor.com/]timber land[/url] [url=https://www.deansaundersmusic.com/]timber land[/url] Thanks to Mad Men, we assume that all old-school advertisers had one hand wrapped around a highball and the other on the pulse of America. But if you look hard enough, the actual advertisements of the era suggest otherwise. Instead of hitting the heights of sophistication, plenty of vintage ads demonstrated a barely passing understanding of what humans look like or how their bodies work. It's almost like there were whole advertising offices infiltrated by aliens pretending to be humans and these ads are what they threw up at the end of the day. It's only in looking back that we see how hilariously the alien admen failed. For example . . . [url=https://www.deansaundersmusic.com/]timber land men[/url] t even talk about what the tiny man appears to be doing with that rope. I don't know. Maybe if I had a baby man acting like that on my boobs I'd make that face, too. Hey! Do you remember that time Moe from the Three Stooges brushed his hair back to shill liability insurance in the most dramatic way possible? Probably not. Here's a refresher:American Mutual Liability Insurance Company [url=https://www.deansaundersmusic.com/]timber land men[/url] o forge ahead, in grand Chris Bucholz tradition, heedless of the consequences. As per the ancient custom, I've broken up my apology into individual apologies. I'm first sorry that I went into this so under-prepared. I have little personal experience with the elderly, my own grandparents having forsaken me from birth, claiming there was no forgiving what I would one day do. My main experience with the well-aged prior to this episode, then, was in the form of things I'd learned from video games, where the elderly are often an excellent source of healing spells. That none of you could cast even the mildest of buffs on me was, I admit, disappointing. I think that set the whole relationship off on the wrong foot. I'm sorry for all the childish mocking after we got things off on the wrong foot. BananaStock-Getty Images [url=https://www.greenhillthelodge.com]timber land men[/url] 5. People Care About Collateral DamageIf your cinematic street battle destroys even one car, that person's life is screwed. Screwed! You're either the first of a new breed of hero, a lone light in a world of crime, or a new breed far beyond mortal law, and various other things said by both "trailer voiceovers" and "insurance-payment-denying lawyers in the letter claiming it's not covered by their insurance. " Losing a car isn't inconvenient -- it's crippling, a savage financial attack which can seriously impact the rest of someone's life in terms of employment, kid's education, medical fees, everything. Christopher Robbins-Photodisc-Getty Images [url=https://www.newbalancesskor.com/]timber land men[/url]
Dátum: 2014.12.13
[url=https://www.deansaundersmusic.com/]timber land boots[/url] [url=https://www.newbalanceszapatos.com/]timber land boots[/url] [url=https://www.greenhillthelodge.com]timber land[/url] Even the classics need a little help. Our readers took some of the most iconic films of all time [url=https://www.newbalancesskor.com/]timber land[/url] bySomerOf84 [url=https://www.deansaundersmusic.com/]timber land[/url] [url=https://www.newbalancesskor.com/]timber land[/url] "It's been an hour and a half. Shouldn't you go stop the ride?" [url=https://www.newbalancesskor.com/]timber land[/url] 5. The Wet BlanketSource images from Getty ThinkstockThe girls in your movie know how to have fun, but at least one of their husbands is a crazy killjoy. This guy yells at her that she does not have responsibility, and she looks at her friends and rolls her eyes. Sometimes the girls are doing crime together, and the man is at home worrying that they will be caught for their crime. "What were you doing? Were you out doing crime?" he yells when she comes home late, while tears drip into his beard. He is upset and unfulfilled because he can't have as much fun and excitement as the character who is doing crime, but he's just too uptight to loosen up. Getty Thinkstock [url=https://www.newbalanceszapatos.com/]timber land men[/url] 4. Bottle of Pissnight_cat-iStock-Getty ImagesIf you're like me, your boss is constantly getting you to piss in a cup for him while he watches with hooded eyes, lips moist with Vaseline, hands gently caressing an American Girl doll. Some jobs even make you do that to test for drugs, as if going to work high was a crime or something. Mischelle Salzgeber, who not only can't spell her name, but was on probation, had to pass a drug test to prove she was still probatable, or something like that. Not wanting to cramp her style by not doing drugs while on probation, she so did drugs while on probation. Then [url=https://www.newbalancesskor.com/]timber land[/url] byfirestorm18222. [url=https://www.deansaundersmusic.com/]timber land[/url]
Dátum: 2014.12.13
[url=https://www.indianaproductionservice.it]Timberland Boots Outlet[/url] [url=https://www.conservationmarketplaceofmn.com]Discount Timberland Boots[/url] 5. The Astronaut Who Stole the MoonMykhailo Shcherbyna-iStock-Getty Thad Roberts dreamed about going to space his entire life. And it seemed like he might have even had an outside chance of doing so when, in 2001, he was accepted into NASA's prestigious co-op program and elite training course for aspiring astronauts. So he tossed The Right Stuff soundtrack on his iPod, headed out the door, and was on his way to goddamn NASA. Jupiterimages-Goodshoot-Getty Images [url=https://www.estheticschoolsva.com]Cheap Mbt Shoes Outlet UK[/url] 3. Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson: RockpocalypseWWE IncDid we learn nothing from "Michael Jordan in: That Man Is Made of Balls"? Years after a 2D Jordan refused to basketball all over town, we get Rockpocalypse, a non-wrestling game starring a wrestler. Rock "The Dwayne" Johnson makes perfect sense for the wrestling games genre, or even the Scorpion King games genre, but WWE Presents: Rockpocalypse is neither. WWE Inc [url=https://www.kittitascountychamber.net]Cheap MBT Clearance[/url] [url=https://www.stlouisburlesque.net]Air Jordan 4[/url] 3. Dinocampus Coccinellae Turns Ladybugs into Crippled Living CocoonsMathieu Belanger MorinDespite being both poisonous and carnivorous, we all love ladybugs because bright colors, polka-dots and roly-polyness knock off about 20 IQ points each. The parasitic wasp Dinocampus coccinellae, however, looks at the adorable wittle wadybug and sees only a clubhouse for its children. Just gotta get rid of those pesky organs to make room for a rope-swing. mozygish [url=https://www.newbalancesskor.com/]Botas Timberland para 2014[/url] 5. Sword and PlanetThe sword-and-planet genre contains, as one might deduce, both swords and planets, combined in a very specific manner. It essentially involves an Earthman traveling to an alien planet by some loosely explained means, where he meets the humanlike but surprisingly primitive locals and goes on all sorts of adventures with them, which basically just means stabbing things with a sword. Willard-iStock-Getty Images [url=https://www.estheticschoolsva.com]Cheap Mbt Shoes Outlet UK[/url] byHammerofdawn24. [url=https://www.conservationmarketplaceofmn.com]Cheap Timberlands For Men[/url] 5. Chinese Netizens Skirt Censorship With Memes ToaboaChina extinguishes free speech like novelty candles on its birthday cake. Which is to say that every time they stomp it out, it comes sputtering back to life again. They've arrested bloggers for exposing the country's rampant corruption, sent journalists on "forced vacations" -- but the will of the people is indomitable. But what can be done by people who are unwilling to risk martyrdom to fight the power? You can't even flip the government the bird, because they will confiscate and imprison that bird forever. But you can flip them the alpaca:Angelo DeSantis [url=https://www.conservationmarketplaceofmn.com]Timberland[/url]
Dátum: 2014.12.13
[url=https://www.greenhillthelodge.com]timber land[/url] [url=https://www.newbalancesskor.com/]timber land[/url] [url=https://www.deansaundersmusic.com/]timber land[/url] "There's 20 bucks in it for you!"The whole "Spider-Man's opposite" thing becomes even more obvious when you consider that David Michelinie, one of Venom's creators, originally wanted the character to be a woman. But not just any woman: a pregnant woman about to give birth, whose husband is hit and killed by a taxi because the driver got distracted by Spider-Man. In the story that Michelinie envisioned, this would then cause the woman to go into labor on the street, and lose the baby, her husband, and her sanity all in the same night. Marvel Comics [url=https://www.deansaundersmusic.com/]timber land boots[/url] We blurred her so it looks like they're hugging. . . . while the other two expertly placed a harness on her and pulled her back. Luke Honest [url=https://www.newbalancesskor.com/]timber land[/url] [url=https://www.newbalanceszapatos.com/]timber land men[/url] byChristopher Daed22. [url=https://www.deansaundersmusic.com/]timber land boots[/url] 3. Loads of Extra Planets WikipediaHow many planets are there in the solar system? "Aha!" you yell at your computer, netting some odd stares from your co-workers. "That depends on whether you're counting Pluto, which was demoted to 'dwarf planet' status in 2006!" Hold off on patting yourself on the back there, Tycho. If you said "nine planets, assuming you count Pluto," you're actually off by a factor of 50, or maybe even 1,500. Much like the real Tycho, you are seriously neglecting some dwarfs here. NASA via Space [url=https://www.greenhillthelodge.com]timber land men[/url] The dark spots around the eyes and their relentless appetite for stealing garbage has earned the raccoon the label "Nature's Bandit," [url=https://www.newbalanceszapatos.com/]timber land[/url] "Peter Parker has a hard time at work? My heart bleeds. No, literally, I have serious heart problems [url=https://www.greenhillthelodge.com]timber land men[/url]
Dátum: 2014.12.12
[url=https://www.greenhillthelodge.com]timber land men[/url] [url=https://www.newbalancesskor.com/]timber land men[/url] [url=https://www.deansaundersmusic.com/]timber land men[/url] But I'm sure that getting fired was equally devastating for you, buddy. After getting out of the hospital, this proto-Female Venom was supposed to bond with the alien symbiote, the source of Venom's power, and become a sinister villainess whose main thing was that she didn't trigger Peter's spider-sense, and could thus attack him from the shadows. It's also worth mentioning that the comic book symbiotes have the ability to "give birth" to other symbiotes, which would fit beautifully into a story of an insane, grieving mother who lost her child. Unfortunately, Marvel editor Jim Salicrup thought that a woman, even when smeared in extraterrestrial vegemite, wouldn't be a believable threat to a teenager with spider superpowers. That's when Michelinie reworked the idea and came up with the Eddie Brock Venom, effectively robbing us of a chance to see a truly unique baddie beat both Spider-Man and 1980s comic book sexism harder than some readers would've beaten their dicks to this character, probably. Adam Jay, SuperHero Photography-Freddie Nova [url=https://www.newbalancesskor.com/]timber land boots[/url] 4. Suburban Mom Leads Massive Pot Operation, Like in Weeds DEAIn the Showtime series Weeds Breaking Bad a ripoff of when it appeared three years later>, Mary-Louise Parker played a soccer mom who, after finding herself husbandless, starts dealing pot to maintain her family. Or at least that's how it started, because as is often the case with these things, the show got more and more fantastic as it went. Nancy's increasingly lavish lifestyle is full of rich, handsome suitors , noisily slurped iced coffees, and an eventual rise to the upper echelon of drug smugglers. Unbelievable, right?Showtime [url=https://www.deansaundersmusic.com/]timber land boots[/url] [url=https://www.newbalanceszapatos.com/]timber land men[/url] Thanks to Mad Men, we assume that all old-school advertisers had one hand wrapped around a highball and the other on the pulse of America. But if you look hard enough, the actual advertisements of the era suggest otherwise. Instead of hitting the heights of sophistication, plenty of vintage ads demonstrated a barely passing understanding of what humans look like or how their bodies work. It's almost like there were whole advertising offices infiltrated by aliens pretending to be humans and these ads are what they threw up at the end of the day. It's only in looking back that we see how hilariously the alien admen failed. For example . . . [url=https://www.deansaundersmusic.com/]timber land men[/url] "Now give Daddy Saturn some sugar. " [url=https://www.greenhillthelodge.com]timber land[/url] After the bed thing, I felt I didn't really have a choice. I'm sorry so many of you are racist. This isn't really an apology, I know, I'm just sorry the world's this way. I am sorry for the food. My understanding of what old people like to eat -- boar, acorns, and mead -- was again limited by my lack of understanding of the elderly, and in retrospect, perhaps a little more "medieval" than "senior-friendly. " My later attempt to just serve old, expired food was admittedly a cost-saving measure, although I honestly thought it would go over well, given the fond memories your generation must have of living through the war and all. I am sorry you thought the Chris Bucholz Retirement Experience staff was stealing your money. That kind of baseless paranoia must be terrifying to live with. Image Source-Digital Vision-Getty Images [url=https://www.newbalanceszapatos.com/]timber land men[/url] and lost my job when that asshole wrecked my car. "Super-movies indulge in the awful simplification that as long as nobody dies, everything is fine. But you can ruin someone's life far more easily than you can end it. And all those cartoon super battles where they happily explain that they got the civilians clear before Lex's murder-bots level five city blocks? Civilians live and work in those blocks! People just lost their livelihoods, their medical insurance, and some of those people will now die earlier because of those background explosions. It just takes longer. How many small businesses can survive a total premises loss? Only big businesses bounce back from that. I wouldn't be surprised if "killing Superman" was a cover story for expanding LexCorp to dominate the world. DC, Warner Bros [url=https://www.greenhillthelodge.com]timber land boots[/url]
Dátum: 2014.12.10
[url=https://www.deansaundersmusic.com/]timber land boots[/url] [url=https://www.newbalanceszapatos.com/]timber land boots[/url] [url=https://www.greenhillthelodge.com]timber land[/url] Two New Shirts of Technological Majesty!The really fun thing about technology is mixing its highest achievements with humanity's lowest impulses . So please enjoy this week's first new shirt of ours, from the company outing that just has to eventually happen:At least 2 out of 3 wet clairvoyants agree that you'll look great in this Minority Report-inspired celebration of corporate social requirements! The design comes to us from William Slone, and Philip K. Dick, and a clothing factory, and a bleak outlook on the future!With this week's other new design, we asked ourselves what could possibly be done to make "Piano Man" feel fresh again. The answer by Scott O'Gara and Andy Hunt: a heady mix of technology, the Transformers 4 trailer, and taking titles as literally as possible. The drunks coming to see your Piano Man will be there to glimpse a terrifyingly awesome robot future, decide to sober up once and for all to enjoy it, and thank you for being so awesome. [url=https://www.greenhillthelodge.com]timber land boots[/url] We blurred her so it looks like they're hugging. . . . while the other two expertly placed a harness on her and pulled her back. Luke Honest [url=https://www.greenhillthelodge.com]timber land men[/url] [url=https://www.deansaundersmusic.com/]timber land boots[/url] Listen up, kids! This sexually charged rock song is HILARIOUS!Like the word "Foghat," nothing in the ad above makes sense. The little girl looks like the TV farted in her face, and the boy has got to be playing some amazing game that couldn't have possibly existed at the time. The dad is either reliving some 'Nam shit or doing something dirty with an invisible lover. Either way, inappropriate. I can understand the instinct to associate a product with fun and hilarity, even if the execution is an unmitigated mess of contorted faces. What I can't understand, and will never understand, is this:Canada Dry [url=https://www.deansaundersmusic.com/]timber land boots[/url] We're not trying to jump to conclusions, but that is most definitely Satan in the hole. Luckily, not every solar phenomenon is fuming out there in the cold void of space, waiting to existentially terrify you into a fear-coma. Sundogs, for example, occur right here on Earth, when light from the sun is refracted by ice crystals in the atmosphere. The only end results are pretty things like solar halos and glowing orbs moving gently across the sky. Peter Roseacute;n via NASA [url=https://www.newbalanceszapatos.com/]timber land boots[/url] "Ohhh, are they stealing my money, ohhh are the raccoons about to breach the barricades, ohhhh I'm so confused. "I am sorry the Chris Bucholz Retirement Experience staff was borrowing your money, with the full intent of repaying it once certain "sure-fire" investment opportunities paid off. And they did pay off! The Chris Bucholz Holiday Timeshare Experience admittedly lost money, but by diverting incoming funds from the Chris Bucholz Investment Club and the Chris Bucholz HOOOONK, You've Won a Free Cruise Scheme, this meant every one of you was eventually paid back. Everyone wins!I'm sorry for those of you who invested in the Chris Bucholz Investment Club and the Chris Bucholz HOOOONK, You've Won a Free Cruise Scheme. You definitely didn't win. I'm sorry about the music that was ever-present in our home. I understand that you had different tastes in music, but you have to understand just how powerfully uncool those tastes make you look. Stepping off the pop culture treadmill like that is taking a large step towards death itself, and I want you to fight, dammit. Stay cool, old people. D. Anschutz-Photodisc-Getty Images [url=https://www.newbalancesskor.com/]timber land[/url] and lost my job when that asshole wrecked my car. "Super-movies indulge in the awful simplification that as long as nobody dies, everything is fine. But you can ruin someone's life far more easily than you can end it. And all those cartoon super battles where they happily explain that they got the civilians clear before Lex's murder-bots level five city blocks? Civilians live and work in those blocks! People just lost their livelihoods, their medical insurance, and some of those people will now die earlier because of those background explosions. It just takes longer. How many small businesses can survive a total premises loss? Only big businesses bounce back from that. I wouldn't be surprised if "killing Superman" was a cover story for expanding LexCorp to dominate the world. DC, Warner Bros [url=https://www.deansaundersmusic.com/]timber land[/url]
Dátum: 2014.12.09
[url=https://www.deansaundersmusic.com/]timber land men[/url] [url=https://www.newbalanceszapatos.com/]timber land men[/url] [url=https://www.greenhillthelodge.com]timber land boots[/url] Everyone loves the blue shell, right? [url=https://www.deansaundersmusic.com/]timber land[/url] Daniel O'Brien is the head writer for Cracked and author of How to Fight Presidents, which you can pre-order today! [url=https://www.deansaundersmusic.com/]timber land[/url] [url=https://www.greenhillthelodge.com]timber land[/url] tire career. But other times it becomes weird, like in Lars von Trier's Antichrist or Howard the Duck. But there's something even more insidious than a Willem Dafoe BJ on a scary tree, or Lea Thompson fucking a duck, and that's the subtle and generally-less-than-subtle symbolism that filmmakers will toss into movies that aren't even about sex. Sexual imagery is amazing at eliciting a physical and emotional response from a viewer, one that probably mixes arousal and revulsion. Why revulsion? Because penises and vaginas have very clear and defined roles in our lives, and when you start making them do other things , shit gets weird. Trust me, I'm an Internet comedy writer. I know what I'm talking about. [url=https://www.newbalanceszapatos.com/]timber land[/url] Just about everything, no matter how awful it may be, has supporters somewhere. Serial killers might live a life of solitude in the real world, but get their story on the news and put them in prison for life and it's all but guaranteed that some lunatics will come out of the woodwork to marry those monsters. Along those same lines, think about how many records Nickelback sells and then think about how many Nickelback fans you know. Unless you live in the deep Midwest, there's probably a huge disparity between the two. We all know Nickelback is selling records, we just don't know who's buying them. Getty Images-Getty Images Entertainment-Getty Images [url=https://www.deansaundersmusic.com/]timber land men[/url] Thanks for all you do, guys. Fox News is like the light hanging high above the parking lot of a shitty convenience store in the summer, attracting all the moths and gnats and mosquitoes in one spot so they can be easily avoided by anyone who doesn't want to be bothered with their bullshit. Granted, that light is hanging low enough that, if for some silly reason you decide you want to, you can totally go stand over where they are and stick your head in among all the buzzing and biting. Maybe you need to for some reason, who knows? Whatever the case, you know where they are and you know what they're up to if you need to find them. That's Fox News. Fair, balanced, and easy to avoid if you don't want to be bothered with their bullshit. Meanwhile, to hear their supporters tell it, the "liberal media" infects everything, from television to movies to music and everything in between. They live in constant fear of having their way of thinking infringed upon in any number of different daily situations. One minute they're watching a thrill ride of a film co-piloted by the likes of Jamie Foxx and Channing Tatum . . . Amazon [url=https://www.newbalancesskor.com/]timber land boots[/url] violent means, despite the many lives that had been lost during the campaign. No matter China's stance, the Dalai Lama has always advocated peaceful resolution through communication and understanding, a point of view that has to be hard as hell to stick to when you have monks lighting themselves on fire and people being dragged by horses in front of crowds as a method of showing you what you were in for if you kept up your Buddhist shenanigans. Fuse-Fuse-Getty Images"Look at this bell. Man, shit's crazy. "So you have a man who's been exiled from his homeland after a bloody uprising failed to free his people, never had sex, never partied hard with awesome celebrities and dancing girls, and never wavered in his message of peace and understanding for decades. That's a dude who believes in goodness. [url=https://www.deansaundersmusic.com/]timber land boots[/url]
Dátum: 2014.12.08
[url=https://www.newbalancesskor.com/]Botas Timberland para 2014[/url] [url=https://www.newbalancesskor.com/]Botas Timberland para hombre[/url] Plus, do you know how expensive a Saturn V is? Like . . . a couple grand, at least. Over the course of months, Roberts hatched his plan to steal part of the moon. Eventually, he met and fell in love with an intern, Tiffany Fowler, who agreed to help him commit the celestial heist. So what sort of sophisticated Ocean's 11-style caper did they embark upon to snatch the precious space rocks? Did they need to steal security codes? Hack the surveillance cameras? Somersault in between security lasers?Ha ha, no! They just loaded the 600-pound safe onto a dolly and walked right out the goddamn door, presumably whistling nonchalantly the whole time. Brand X Pictures-Stockbyte-Getty Now, it's worth mentioning that Roberts was a little bit nuts. He admitted in an interview that, after making off with his prize, he took Fowler to a hotel room and put the moon rocks under the blankets so that they were "basically having sex on the moon. " We sort of get the appeal, but that still sounds uncomfortable as hell. Anyway, Roberts was eventually caught trying to sell his stash, valued at a staggering 21 million, to some undercover FBI agents. Because of course they were FBI agents. If you're advertising moon rocks for sale right after a historic theft of moon rocks, it doesn't take a super sleuth to deduce that they may in fact be the same moon rocks. Jon Feingersh-Blend Images-Getty Images [url=https://sandaliasmbt.canerarslanalp.com/]MBT Movimiento[/url] ts home with you, that is. Just ask Karl Lambert, the victim in a serious 2008 car accident on Interstate 95 that left his foot and part of his leg severed. Economou was one of the first responders on the scene and, after Lambert had been sent to the hospital, she found the remains of Lambert's foot in the wreckage. And she took it home with her. Vicheslav-iStock-Getty Images [url=https://www.pisosatarragona3.com]Christian Louboutin UK Outlet[/url] [url=https://www.brevardacupuncture.net]Vans classic skate shoes[/url] "COXcum469 doesn't throw praise lightly. You should be honored. "There's some kind of general assumption that, once you send nudes to somebody, the picture is theirs to do with as they please. But the gift of an intimate photo doesn't automatically include permission to plaster that photo on the Internet, any more than telling someone where you hide your spare key so they can feed your cats gives them permission to post that information on Craigslist under the title "FREE CAT MEAT. " [url=https://cheapairjordanshoes.canerarslanalp.com/]Jordan 3[/url] byMarconi Rebus18. [url=https://cheapjordannikeshoes.canerarslanalp.com/]Jordans Retro Shoes[/url] "Greetings, mortal! Grab your complimentary bondage gear by the next roundabout. "Congratulations! You have just joined the legions of visitors whose common sense has been ravaged by Posankka, a 16-foot fiberglass pig-duck-butt hybrid that haunts one of the city's main entrance roads like a twisted Statue of Liberty. With that image etched onto your retinas, it's understandable that you want to immediately pull a U-turn and drive as far away from Turku as humanly possible. Do not do this under any circumstances. Avoid the road. Drive your car into the river to avoid temptation. Escape through the forests, acquire a boat, hi [url=https://cheapjordannikeshoes.canerarslanalp.com/]Jordan 23 Shoes[/url] 6. Isaac Newton Getting His Freak On -- London, EnglandVia WikipediaWhat is this strange statue by the British Library in London? Is it supposed to be a robot? A particularly creepy marketing campaign for the newest Soul Calibur game?Ha, no! This is Isaac "Gravity " Newton, bending over a bench and wearing what appears to be steampunk-themed BDSM gear, because that's how he rolls, baby. The full name of this piece is "Newton, After William Blake. " As a poet and an artist, Blake hated all things science-y, and was fond of using uber-scientist Newton as the personification of his pet peeve. Yes, this huge, public statue depicts one of history's greatest scientists in a way the man who disliked science wanted us to see him. [url=https://mbtzapatos.canerarslanalp.com/]MBT Movimiento[/url]