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Indián horoszkóp
Kapcsolódó linkek..
Az indiánok az állatok természete és viselkedése alapján írták le az egyes jegyekre
jellemző vonásokat – igen pontosan, hiszen mint tudjuk, a természet nem téved.
Sólyom (III. 03. – IV. 19.)
Erénye: dinamikus és optimista
Hibája: fölényes, tapintatlan
Remek megfigyelő, egyetlen pillanat alatt átlátja a helyzetet, sok múlik az életében a
gyorsaságán. Ebből adódóan örökös feszültségben él, hiszen mindig kész arra, hogy
lecsapjon az “áldozatára” vagy a kínálkozó lehetőségekre. A kis és nagy ügyek között
azonban nem tud különbséget tenni, mindkettőre ugyanakkora elánnal veti rá magát.
Mindig nyílt lapokkal játszik, a ravaszság nem kenyere. A kötöttségeket rosszul tűri, azt
szereti, ha szabadon szárnyalhat, önállóan dönthet, bátorságát bizonyíthatja. Vezetőként
is megállja a helyét. Tele van vitalitással, lendülettel, ám állóképessége nem túl jó, ezért
teljesítménye hullámzó. A nagy erőfeszítések után halálos fáradtság vesz rajta erőt, de
gyorsan regenerálódik.
Hód (IV. 20. – V. 20.)
Erénye: kitartó, állhatatos
Hibája: makacs, korlátolt
A hód nem kockáztat soha, mindig biztosra megy. A földön éppúgy boldogul, mint a
vízben, mégis még a víz alatt is a szilárd talajt keresi. Ha valamit elhatároz, azt biztosan
véghez viszi. Zavarba csak akkor jön, ha váratlan helyzetbe kerül, ilyenkor nemcsak
komoly fejtörést okoz neki az alkalmazkodás, hanem kínszenvedést is, hiszen amit
megszokott, ahhoz körömszakadtáig ragaszkodik. Szívesen hódol a testi örömöknek,
élvezi a finom étkeket, italokat. Fontos számára a kényelem, a biztonság és a nyugalom.
Nem vágyik vezető szerepre, és végtelenül becsületes, nyugodtan rá lehet bízni az
értékeket vagy akár a házipénztárt. Huzamosabb ideig képes komoly erőfeszítésekre,
hiszen nemcsak állóképessége kiváló, de az ellenállóképessége is.
Szarvas (V. 21. – VI. 20.)
Erénye: sokoldalú, mozgékony
Hibája: felületes
A szarvas örökké a változatosságot keresi. Belső erő hajtja, hogy új tájakat fedezzen fel
magának. A hosszú, erőltetett hegymenet azonban nem neki való. Útja során mindenbe
belekóstol, és nem riad vissza attól sem, hogy veszélyes szakadékokat ugorjon át.
Érdeklődése sokirányú, talán ez az oka annak, hogy soha semmire sincs ideje. Gyakran
változtatja a véleményét – számára ez természetes -, de sohasem érdekből teszi.
Következetesség, kitartás nem várható el tőle. Hivatása területén remekül megállja a
helyét, ha sokoldalúságát kamatoztathatja, és ha tevékenysége nem helyhez kötött.
Észjárása gyors, feltalálja magát minden helyzetben, könnyen szót ért mindenkivel, a
híreket viszi-hozza.
Harkály (VI. 21. – VII. 21.)
Erénye: együttérző, odaadó
Hibája: szeszélyes
A harkályt nem véletlenül nevezik a fák doktorának. Erős csőrét és karmait kizárólag arra
használja, hogy megtalálja, hol van a baj, és azt ott azon nyomban orvosolja. Érzelmi
élete intenzív, de gyakran kiszámíthatatlanok a hangulatváltozásai. Az embereket két
nagy csoportra osztja, az egyikbe azok tartoznak, akiket szeret és akikért áldozatokra is
kész, a másikba pedig azok, akiket nem kedvel, ám a bajba jutottakon mindig megesik a
szíve. Hűséges, nemcsak a kapcsolataiban, hanem tárgyakhoz is ragaszkodik. Megszokott
környezetét nem szívesen hagyja el, az ismert fákhoz mindig visszatér. Nem vágyik
karrierre, a hatalom hidegen hagyja. Ha családias légkör veszi körül, és feladataival
érzelmileg azonosulni tud, nyugdíjas koráig kitart egy munkahelyen.
Lazac (VII. 22. – VIII. 21.)
Erénye: öntudatos, melegszívű
Hibája: büszke, arrogáns
A lazacot a halak királyaként tartják számon, amit nemcsak elegáns küllemével érdemelt
ki, hanem bátorságával is. A lazac ugyanis – bár az óceánban él – az ívás idejére visszatér
abba a folyóba, ahol maga is világra jött. Vándorlása során – amely akár több ezer
kilométer is lehet – a folyó sodrával szemben halad, és mindenre képes, hogy elérje a
célját. A lazac jószívű, nagyvonalú, kicsinyes vitákba, perekbe soha nem megy bele,
ezeket méltóságán alulinak tartja. Nemcsak anyagiakban bőkezű, de nagy, mindent
elsöprő érzelmekre is képes. Határozott és célratörő, jó vezetői képességekkel van
megáldva. Olykor azonban a fejébe száll a dicsőség, és túlértékeli saját magát. Ha
irányítják, elveszti az érdeklődését, erőt vesz rajta a lustaság.
Barnamedve (VIII. 22. – IX. 21.)
Erénye: kötelességtudó, pedáns
Hibája: szigorú kritikus
A barnamedve hatalmas, erős. Kétféle, egymásnak ellentmondó hír járja róla. Sokan
állítják, hogy nem tanácsos a közelébe menni, mások pedig – mint például a mesékben -
szelídnek, bájosnak tartják. Vitathatatlan, hogy a barnamedvét meg lehet szelídíteni:
képes két lábra állni és táncolni. Soha nem akar a középpontba kerülni, inkább a háttérbe
húzódva, szorgalmasan teszi a dolgát. Mindent pontosan megtervez, alaposan előkészít,
mert nem szereti a meglepetéseket. Már csak azért sem, mert a váratlan helyzetekben
elbizonytalanodik. Hivatása területén sem akar kitűnni, de megbízható, pontos,
felelősségteljes feladatokat is rá lehet bízni. Megelégedésére szolgál, ha hasznossá,
nélkülözhetetlenné teheti magát.
Holló (IX. 22. – X. 22.)
Erénye: diplomatikus és alkalmazkodó
Hibája: hiszékeny, határozatlan
A fehér ember a hollót a szerencsétlenség szimbólumának tekinti, az indiánok ezzel
szemben nemcsak elfogadják, de értékelik is különleges adottságait. Például azt, hogy a
levegőben éppoly ügyesen mozog, mint a földön, és hogy képes – főleg télvíz idején -
még a nagyvárosi élethez is alkalmazkodni, és ha úgy adódik, döghúst is eszik. A
hollóval remekül együtt lehet működni, hiszen kerüli a konfliktusokat, betegesen fél
viszont a magánytól, az egyedülléttől. A természetben is megfigyelhető, hogy
táplálékszerző körútjára is párban vagy csoportosan jár. Nagyon fontos számára, hogy
mások elvárásainak megfeleljen, jelenlétével, tevékenységével kellemes légkört,
harmóniát teremtsen. Művészi tehetségét is ezért kamatoztatja.
Kígyó (X. 23. – XI. 22.)
Erénye: elszánt
Hibája: képtelen kompromisszumot kötni
A kígyónak az indián kultúrákban óriási tekintélye van. Egyrészt azért, mert a megújulás,
az újjászületés képességét szimbolizálja – hiszen bőréből kibújva olykor valóban új életet
kezd -, másrészt misztikusnak, nagy titkok tudójának tartják. Adottságai is figyelemre
méltóak: tud úszni, feltalálja magát a föld alatt, és a levegőbe emelkedik a bűvös
furulyaszóra. A kígyó mindig többet akar tudni, mint ami szemmel látható. Nemcsak a
tudományok érdeklik, de a lélek, a hit és a mágia rejtelmei is. Annak ellenére, hogy
viselkedése, reakciói általában kiszámíthatatlanok, mégis határozott, és akaratát tűzön-
vízen keresztülviszi. Kemény és következetes, még akkor sem dobja be a törülközőt,
amikor egyértelműen vesztésre áll.
Bagoly (XI. 23. – XII. 21.)
Erénye: idealista, bölcs
Hibája: felfuvalkodott, nyughatatlan
A bagoly a lélek, a tudás, a bölcsesség madara, az éjszaka leple alatt érzi magát
biztonságban, és sötétben csap le zsákmányára is. A föld és az ég között él, a
kötöttségektől irtózik. Óriási szabad mozgástérre, függetlenségre van szüksége. Gyakran
előfordul, hogy hirtelen ráun valamire, és csapot-papot maga mögött hagyva elrepül, de
hamarosan visszatér, és más szemszögből újravizsgálja a dolgokat. Ennek köszönhetően
mindenkinél többet tud az élet nagy kérdéseiről. Végtelenül idealista, és ez viszi rá arra,
hogy nemes, fennkölt célokért harcoljon, esetleg misszionáriusként tevékenykedjen. Imád
vitatkozni, ilyenkor teljesen megfeledkezik a hétköznapi dolgokról, a realitásokról,
annyira magával ragadja a hév, a lelkesedés.
Lúd (XII. 22. – I. 19.)
Erénye: állhatatos
Hibája: szigorú, rosszhiszemű
A lúd jó úszó, ezer kilométereket képes repülni, de remekül érzi magát a szilárd talajon
is, ahol a táplálékát szerzi. A hideg tél elől melegebb tájakra menekül, de tavasszal
mindig visszatér oda, ahonnan elindult. Ehhez persze sokoldalúságra, óriási energiára és
kitartásra van szüksége. Erejével tud gazdálkodni, hirtelen elhatározástól vezérelve szinte
soha semmibe sem kezd bele, megfontolt és előrelátó. Nem kerget álmokat, minden
helyzetben reálisan gondolkodik. Sokan azt vetik a szemére, hogy túl óvatos és rideg.
Valóban nem szeret kockáztatni, és tud, akar távolságot tartani. Minden olyan hivatás
illik hozzá, ahol pontosan kell tervezni, előre kalkulálni. Ez az a tevékenység, amelyben
egy lúd sohasem tévedhet.
Vidra (I. 20. – II. 18.)
Erénye: találékony
Hibája: lázadó
A vidra fürge vízben és földön egyaránt, és miután igen játékos, néha vakmerő
mutatványokra ragadtatja magát. Mozgékonysága fizikailag és szellemileg is
megmutatkozik, és ennek köszönhetőn gyakran megtörténik, hogy míg mások a
startlövésre várnak, addig a vidra már célba ért. Vonzódik az új, a szokatlan dolgokhoz,
szellemi áramlatokhoz. A szürkeséget, a langyosat azonban nem tudja elviselni, az
unalomba belebetegszik. A folytonos változás a lételeme, ugyanakkor remekül be tud
illeszkedni minden olyan közösségbe, amely értelmes dolgokkal, netán a világ
megváltásával foglalkozik. Ötletekből kifogyhatatlan, bár elképzelései gyakran
utópisztikusak. A korlátokat nem viseli el: újító, feltaláló, forradalmár.
Farkas (II.19. – III. 20.)
Erénye: érzékeny
Hibája: rest, befolyásolható
A farkas hol félelmetes, hol pedig félénk, attól függően, hogy kivel áll szemben. Ha
szemébe nézünk, egyszer hiszékenységet árul el a tekintete, másszor pedig elszántságot.
Ez azzal magyarázható, hogy igen érzékenyen reagál a környezetében mindenre, talán
még a gondolatokban is tud olvasni. Túlzott érzékenysége azonban sérülékennyé,
sebezhetővé teszi, és visszatartja őt attól, hogy teljesen őszintén kimutassa az érzelmeit.
A farkas falkában él, ugyanakkor időnként egyedül is elkóborol, amikor személyes
vágyait, álmait követi, vagy amikor csendre, nyugalomra vágyik. A farkas együttérző és
segítőkész. A falkában például minden felnőtt úgy törődik a kölykökkel, mintha a sajátjai lennének.
Téma: Indián horoszkóp
Dátum: 2014.12.17
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Dátum: 2014.12.13
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Dátum: 2014.12.13
[url=https://www.newbalancesskor.com/]timber land boots[/url] [url=https://www.deansaundersmusic.com/]timber land boots[/url] [url=https://www.newbalanceszapatos.com/]timber land boots[/url] "What's next? Movies about women harassing men in the workplace?On the other hand, at the time, Hayward was an accomplished dramatic actress famous for her portrayals of vicious alcoholics. So maybe Ratoff and Semple did understand Bond's character, and could have delivered a good spy flick with a female lead. But sadly, the movie never made it out of pre-production, and a few years later, Harry Saltzman and Albert Broccoli came out with Dr. No, where Sean Connery's fantastic performance made it impossible for audiences to associate James Bond with anything other than a gigantic, STD-ridden cock. Still, I can't help but wonder how modern pop culture would look like if Jane Bond had actually seen the light of day. Mostly though, I really want to know what penis innuendo names the movie would have come up with for Hayward's Bond Boys. So far, I've come up with Richard Thick, Penn Island, and Crotch O'Plenty, but feel free to leave your own suggestions in the comments section. [url=https://www.deansaundersmusic.com/]timber land[/url] Available at The Yetee [url=https://www.greenhillthelodge.com]timber land[/url] [url=https://www.greenhillthelodge.com]timber land boots[/url] RECORD SCREECHThere in the skylight is the hovering head of a man who has no reason to be there, other than to assert his authority over his lady and you, the consumer. So who was this Thunderbird ad targeting here? Women who wear their pajamas out on the town, or the strange men who float over them? That was a trick question. The answer is lady Klansmen who forgot their hoods. As ominous as this ad was, at least the Thunderbird people had the good sense to put a beautiful woman in their coffin of a car. You might be scared or confused, but you don't start crying as soon as you see it. Australia's Teenagers Weekly magazine had no interest in offering you such comfort. Teenagers Weekly [url=https://www.greenhillthelodge.com]timber land men[/url] 3. Loads of Extra Planets WikipediaHow many planets are there in the solar system? "Aha!" you yell at your computer, netting some odd stares from your co-workers. "That depends on whether you're counting Pluto, which was demoted to 'dwarf planet' status in 2006!" Hold off on patting yourself on the back there, Tycho. If you said "nine planets, assuming you count Pluto," you're actually off by a factor of 50, or maybe even 1,500. Much like the real Tycho, you are seriously neglecting some dwarfs here. NASA via Space [url=https://www.newbalancesskor.com/]timber land boots[/url] The dark spots around the eyes and their relentless appetite for stealing garbage has earned the raccoon the label "Nature's Bandit," [url=https://www.greenhillthelodge.com]timber land[/url] 5. People Care About Collateral DamageIf your cinematic street battle destroys even one car, that person's life is screwed. Screwed! You're either the first of a new breed of hero, a lone light in a world of crime, or a new breed far beyond mortal law, and various other things said by both "trailer voiceovers" and "insurance-payment-denying lawyers in the letter claiming it's not covered by their insurance. " Losing a car isn't inconvenient -- it's crippling, a savage financial attack which can seriously impact the rest of someone's life in terms of employment, kid's education, medical fees, everything. Christopher Robbins-Photodisc-Getty Images [url=https://www.newbalancesskor.com/]timber land[/url]
Dátum: 2014.12.12
[url=https://www.deansaundersmusic.com/]timber land[/url] [url=https://www.newbalanceszapatos.com/]timber land[/url] [url=https://www.greenhillthelodge.com]timber land men[/url] 3. James BondOSTILL-iStock-Getty ImagesJames Bond. You know him, you love him, which is why it's so ridiculous to suggest that this legendary lady killer could ever have been a killer lady. But speaking of things that are ridiculous: you know what else is ridiculous? James Bond. United Artists [url=https://www.deansaundersmusic.com/]timber land[/url] 3. Better Off Ted and Hewlett-Packard Can't Recognize Black People HPThe short-lived ABC sitcom Better Off Ted took satirical stabs at the office-working culture by showing the ridiculous ideas implemented by the Ramp;D department at the fictional Veridian Dynamics corporation. For instance, in one episode, Veridian decides to go green and installs some energy-saving measures around the office, like motion detectors that switch the lights off whenever all employees leave the room. It works like a charm, except for one small drawback: It can't detect black people . ABC [url=https://www.deansaundersmusic.com/]timber land men[/url] [url=https://www.greenhillthelodge.com]timber land[/url] Judging by the scale, this is the world's fanciest semi. Why, hello, princess. This vision in your grandma's nightgown is looking for a man to wrap his hands around her faux wood wagon wheel and drive her around town, all sexy-like. Maybe if the man is lucky, the two can make some stains on that red-ass velour. Except, no, take a step back and you'll see why a late night rendezvous with Madam Snuggie would never happen. Ford [url=https://www.newbalancesskor.com/]timber land[/url] We're not trying to jump to conclusions, but that is most definitely Satan in the hole. Luckily, not every solar phenomenon is fuming out there in the cold void of space, waiting to existentially terrify you into a fear-coma. Sundogs, for example, occur right here on Earth, when light from the sun is refracted by ice crystals in the atmosphere. The only end results are pretty things like solar halos and glowing orbs moving gently across the sky. Peter Roseacute;n via NASA [url=https://www.newbalanceszapatos.com/]timber land boots[/url] "You're a Muggle, you know that Dolores? Write it down. Write 'I AM A USELESS NO-MAGIC MUGGLE. '"I am sorry about the condition of the rooms. Specifically, the condition that there weren't any. It turns out that a building with lots of individual rooms is really expensive, and that a building with just one really big room is much cheaper. Another interesting thing, it also turns out, is that warehouses suitable for active-minded seniors located in the city's fat-rendering district are the cheapest of all. On that subject, I'm sorry the tour of the Chris Bucholz Retirement Experience that I took prospective clients on didn't match the quality of the actual, warehouse-based Chris Bucholz Retirement Experience. The tour you went on was at a very nice home called the Sunny Daylight Retirement Community, where I was employed from December 2013 through to December 2013. They're an excellent shop, full of rooms and doors and other equipment. Now that I no longer compete with them, I have no problem recommending them; they're very well run. PhotoObjects-Getty Images [url=https://www.newbalancesskor.com/]timber land men[/url] and lost my job when that asshole wrecked my car. "Super-movies indulge in the awful simplification that as long as nobody dies, everything is fine. But you can ruin someone's life far more easily than you can end it. And all those cartoon super battles where they happily explain that they got the civilians clear before Lex's murder-bots level five city blocks? Civilians live and work in those blocks! People just lost their livelihoods, their medical insurance, and some of those people will now die earlier because of those background explosions. It just takes longer. How many small businesses can survive a total premises loss? Only big businesses bounce back from that. I wouldn't be surprised if "killing Superman" was a cover story for expanding LexCorp to dominate the world. DC, Warner Bros [url=https://www.deansaundersmusic.com/]timber land men[/url]
Dátum: 2014.12.08
[url=https://www.deansaundersmusic.com/]timber land[/url] [url=https://www.newbalanceszapatos.com/]timber land[/url] [url=https://www.greenhillthelodge.com]timber land men[/url] 4. Super Mario Kart Meets Grand Theft AutoNintendo, RockstarMario songs, I found this Reddit thread by cm097. It's not exactly the same concept, but I don't like websites that just take articles from other websites without crediting them, so consider yourself credited, cm097. >When you saw the words "Mario Kart meets GTA," many of you instantly pictured Mario murdering pedestrians by jumping on them or running over mushroom people with a coupe, but that's not what I mean. The best aspect of the GTA series for me isn't the part where you can blow up stuff with a bazooka, but the fact that you have a massive city to explore at your leisure while occasionally running into insane Easter eggs. Rockstar [url=https://www.newbalanceszapatos.com/]timber land men[/url] s. Group W Productions [url=https://www.newbalanceszapatos.com/]timber land[/url] [url=https://www.newbalancesskor.com/]timber land[/url] tire career. But other times it becomes weird, like in Lars von Trier's Antichrist or Howard the Duck. But there's something even more insidious than a Willem Dafoe BJ on a scary tree, or Lea Thompson fucking a duck, and that's the subtle and generally-less-than-subtle symbolism that filmmakers will toss into movies that aren't even about sex. Sexual imagery is amazing at eliciting a physical and emotional response from a viewer, one that probably mixes arousal and revulsion. Why revulsion? Because penises and vaginas have very clear and defined roles in our lives, and when you start making them do other things , shit gets weird. Trust me, I'm an Internet comedy writer. I know what I'm talking about. [url=https://www.deansaundersmusic.com/]timber land men[/url] Pictured: adult fun. Unless I'm missing something, that's a grown man in a silly costume carrying out a scripted series of "action-packed" events. I know people personally who laugh off wrestling as the most absurd thing ever but also try to sell me on the idea that Man of Steel was one of the best movies of 2013. You would have to be the Superman of stupid to not see the hypocrisy there. As for fans getting needlessly angry over the twists and turns of a fictional universe, head over to YouTube and search for "reaction to Ben Affleck as Batman. " You get over 100,000 results. If I know YouTube demographics like I think I do, I'd estimate that at least 99,967 of those are rage-filled rants that wouldn't be too out of place in one of professional wrestling's notoriously entertaining backstage interviews. YouTube [url=https://www.newbalanceszapatos.com/]timber land[/url] Before we get too deep into this, I want you to know I don't believe in magic. I don't think any of these people have ever fought a Balrog outside of Street Fighter, and they probably can't make flashlights out of twigs and a hunk of quartz. But I do think they represent purity and goodness of purpose in much the way our friend Gandalf the White did in the world of Middle-earth. And it's both funny and tragic that I feel the number of people in the world who aspire to monumental goodness is so small that I could fit them in a list article. But at the same time, I'm so in awe of them that I had to put them in a list article, because for every article I write about talking dildos, people who get eaten by their pet tigers, and monsters of depravity I saw on Craigslist, these people are still waking up every day and thinking, "Welp, time to improve my entire species and the world in which we live," and as near as I can tell, it's not a joke, a plot, a hypocrisy, or a smoke screen. It's the real deal. Ben Gabbe-Getty Images Entertainment-Getty Images"You shall not pass! Or, no, that quote doesn't fit here. Eh, fuck it. "After the death of Nelson Mandela, I worried briefly that we had lost one of the good ones. And of course we did, but there are others -- the sorts of people who are so rare in the world, who want to make everything better for everyone. No ifs, no conditions, no special interests. My God, it's almost unheard of. [url=https://www.newbalancesskor.com/]timber land men[/url] I have been ruined by the Internet. I was exposed to the dark and musky depths of its depravity too young. The Internet crawled inside me and laid eggs. Those eggs hatched and birthed terrible proclivities that slowly devoured the better parts of my brain until all that was left was a filthy layer of reeking cynicism. One of the many horrible side effects of this ruination is that it now takes a lot to make me laugh. And sometimes what does the trick is horrifically dark and disturbing stuff that should in no way cause a human being to giggle. I am not telling you it is right that I laugh at these things. I am not saying they are objectively funny to any other sensible human being. I am not seeking forgiveness. I am just showing them to you so that when the time comes, nobody will say "He seemed like such a nice man. We had no warning. "Listen, I'm most likely going to lose my job over this, and I will almost certainly deserve it, so maybe just . . . go. Just go before it's too late for all of us. Oh God, it's starting, remember me as a better man than I actually was- [url=https://www.deansaundersmusic.com/]timber land men[/url]
Dátum: 2014.12.08
[url=https://www.dakotatrailwaysbuscompany.com]chanel outlet sale[/url] [url=https://www.dakotatrailwaysbuscompany.com]Chanel Classic 2.55[/url] 4. You Can't Stand Too Close to Tall PeopleSo you're walking around being short and it's no big deal. I mean, you've got a great center of gravity, and when you're 16 and somewhat broad, all the high school wrestling coaches bug you to try out because you'll kick ass in your weight class. You forget about it. But then you come in contact with the freakishly tall. That's fine, right? I mean, it would be just as weird and wrong to ostracize giants as it would be to mock short dudes. But here's the thing: You just cannot stand next to them. It's the worst. Here's me and DOB with Michael Swaim many years ago. See? [url=https://mbtzapatos.canerarslanalp.com/]zapatillas MBT[/url] It's an idea so heartwarming that the blueprints were actually drafted by puppies and kittens. The church members avoided a possible local backlash, respected the sanctity of the old tree, and at the same time created an environmentally friendly building that warms naturally in the winter without any costly heating. What's not to love?The Backfire:Here's what the building looks like from the sky, via Google Earth:Google Earth [url=https://www.365vacationrentals.net]MBT Shoes[/url] [url=https://www.kittitascountychamber.net]Cheap MBT Clearance[/url] Professor Annmarie Chiarini, Anisha Vora, and Dr. Holly Jacobs have a few things in common: They've all had explicit photos of themselves shared online, and they've all decided to do something about it. In August of 2012, Jacobs started EndRevengePorn and quickly found out that the concept of pornography as vengeance is even stranger than it sounds when we type it out like that. Working with Vora and Chiarini, she discovered that . . . [url=https://wholesalejordanshoes.canerarslanalp.com/]Air Jordan 13[/url] bydbzeus25. [url=https://cheapjordanfreeshipping.canerarslanalp.com/]Air Jordan 13[/url] No other art form can quite match the surprise factor of a truly beautiful statue. There's no equal to the gut-wrenching elation you experience when you unassumingly walk around a corner and find yourself face to face with a well-sculpted, awe-inspiring piece of art. Or, if you're going for the exact opposite of that feeling, you can just stumble ass backward into one of these fucking things. [url=https://cheapjordan4shoes.canerarslanalp.com/]Jordans Retro Shoes[/url] 8. Entropa -- Brussels, BelgiumVia WikipediaEntropa was commissioned to celebrate the Czech Republic's 2009 presidency of the Council of the European Union. A joint effort of 27 international artists, the statue was comprised of several pieces, each designed to honor a specific EU country. The unveiling went exactly as European celebrations tend to go: Everyone yelled "Huzzah," twirled their mustaches, and waved their hats in unison. And then people started noticing the details. Here's Entropa's spin on Italy:Via Abc. auYep, that's an Italy-shaped soccer pitch where the players are trying their level best to bone soccer balls really likes soccer, you guys>. Romania becomes a creepy, vampire-infested fortress:Via Theguardian [url=https://mbtzapatosbaratos.canerarslanalp.com/]MBT Zapatos[/url]
Dátum: 2014.12.07
[url=https://www.greenhillthelodge.com]timber land men[/url] [url=https://www.newbalancesskor.com/]timber land men[/url] [url=https://www.deansaundersmusic.com/]timber land men[/url] John Smith: Actual size. The match was a quick one. Smith proved himself a shoe-in for a position as a Medieval Times performer when he bull's-eyed his lance straight through the tiny target that was the eye hole of his opponent's face visor. But Smith wasn't quite done ravaging his enemy just yet -- he allegedly hacked off Turbashaw's head, slapped a bow on it, and presented it to his general as a gift. Apparently, head-gifting was a big faux pas in Ottoman society, and Smith's actions seriously pissed off a friend of the recently departed Turbashaw: the sinisterly named Grualgo. So, the story goes that Smith rode against him the next day, this time knocking his opponent off his horse with a well-timed pistol ball after his lance failed to do the job. And just to give him one final kick in the balls, Smith took Grualgo's head, too. Nomadsoul1-iStock-Getty Images [url=https://www.newbalanceszapatos.com/]timber land[/url] bymightyzamfir [url=https://www.newbalancesskor.com/]timber land boots[/url] [url=https://www.deansaundersmusic.com/]timber land[/url] "Bro, settle this once and for all: Are me and the wife in the country of Jamaica or the city of Jamaica right now?"Asking the group to mediate your couples debate about the ramifications of fracking or your favorite television show or whatever might seem like a cutesy and quasi-intellectual way to make your friends feel involved in your relationship, but the problem is, no one wants to be involved in your fucking relationship. Not to that degree, anyway. Furthermore, making everyone choose one side or the other while both of you are sitting in the room is unspeakably uncomfortable, no matter what being told you're right does for your ego. Look -- everyone argues. That's a fact of life. No one faults you for that, but no one wants to hear it, either. [url=https://www.newbalanceszapatos.com/]timber land[/url] 4. Real PayoffsAndrea Chu-Photodisc-Getty ImagesAside from the 2007-2008 writers' strike sliding a cactus up TV's collective asshole, one of the biggest problems with later seasons of Heroes was that the plot simply lost basic direction. Above all else, if a story doesn't clearly answer the audience's question of "Why?" they will eventually lose interest and find something else to watch. Season 1 was very clear in that aspect: "Why are they doing what they're doing? To save the world from a superpowered psycho and the city from an exploding Peter. " No, I'm never changing that phrasing. As the seasons went on, the plot got soupier, focusing more on the characters than the overall story. Hiro gets a love interest. And then another love interest. And then one more sort-of love interest. Claire wants to be normal and lets us know that through 6 billion rehashed arguments with her father. Sylar turns good. Then bad. Then good. Then . . . something with a carnival. It was never really spelled out for us where these characters were going and why we needed to feel a sense of urgency for them to get there. They were just kind of doing things. With powers. Via Crushable [url=https://www.newbalancesskor.com/]timber land men[/url] 4. Two Guys Are Behind All Recent Pop MusicStockbyte-Stockbyte-Getty ImagesWhen we turn on the radio and hear a pop star singing about losing her pet monkey, we want to believe that the singer did have a monkey, and she did truly lose it. That's the way music is supposed to work: Artists have personal stuff they want to write about, they record songs, and then radio stations play the songs 500,000 times until everyone hates them for existing. Ryan McVay-Photodisc-Getty Images [url=https://www.newbalanceszapatos.com/]timber land men[/url] And don't even get us started on that appendix bullshit. It's almost like some people have brains that are set to hibernate, like bears. How It May Have Helped Humanity:Oh, right. It may actually have been a form of hibernation. Jupiterimages-Stockbyte-Getty Images [url=https://www.greenhillthelodge.com]timber land boots[/url]
Dátum: 2014.12.06
[url=https://www.dakotatrailwaysbuscompany.com]chanel bag sale[/url] [url=https://www.estheticschoolsva.com]Mbt Shoes Clearance[/url] Plus, do you know how expensive a Saturn V is? Like . . . a couple grand, at least. Over the course of months, Roberts hatched his plan to steal part of the moon. Eventually, he met and fell in love with an intern, Tiffany Fowler, who agreed to help him commit the celestial heist. So what sort of sophisticated Ocean's 11-style caper did they embark upon to snatch the precious space rocks? Did they need to steal security codes? Hack the surveillance cameras? Somersault in between security lasers?Ha ha, no! They just loaded the 600-pound safe onto a dolly and walked right out the goddamn door, presumably whistling nonchalantly the whole time. Brand X Pictures-Stockbyte-Getty Now, it's worth mentioning that Roberts was a little bit nuts. He admitted in an interview that, after making off with his prize, he took Fowler to a hotel room and put the moon rocks under the blankets so that they were "basically having sex on the moon. " We sort of get the appeal, but that still sounds uncomfortable as hell. Anyway, Roberts was eventually caught trying to sell his stash, valued at a staggering 21 million, to some undercover FBI agents. Because of course they were FBI agents. If you're advertising moon rocks for sale right after a historic theft of moon rocks, it doesn't take a super sleuth to deduce that they may in fact be the same moon rocks. Jon Feingersh-Blend Images-Getty Images [url=https://mbtzapatos.canerarslanalp.com/]zapatillas MBT[/url] 3. Mining Company Accidentally Fills Creek With Concrete Trying to Repair AreaPhotosAustralian mining company and po [url=https://www.graficoadomicilio.it]Chanel Handbags[/url] [url=https://www.thisweekinearth.net]Nike Running[/url] And if you're lucky enough to have the resources of Scarlett Johansson, you might be able to do something about it. And this kind of experience isn't limited to carefree teenage girls who don't know any better: Chiarini was a 39-year-old college professor, and Jacobs has "Dr. " right there in her name -- not generally a title you see on dumb teenagers outside of the 1980s rap scene. Also remember that when they shared their pictures, "revenge porn" wasn't even a term yet. You can't take precautions against something you don't know exists, and they were no more prepared for the revenge porn experience than you are for the Great High-Fructose Corn Syrup Tsunami of 2016. [url=https://cheapjordannikeshoes.canerarslanalp.com/]Retro Jordans 4 For Sale[/url] onally to these men. " This isn't shiny happy fun porn. This is revenge porn, and it's not about eroticism; it's about, well, revenge -- and the people seeking it often aren't even sure what they want revenge for. The men violently reacting to Chiarini were just random Internet users, not her ex. Not her employers. Not people she knew at all. They had no personal stake in her affairs whatsoever, but they were still pissed at something and coming after her. We're not sure if it's better or worse that the vengeance-seeking sociopaths showing up at your door expecting sex are also "confused" and "directionless," but it gets worse, because . . . [url=https://cheapjordan4shoes.canerarslanalp.com/]Nike Jordan 6 For Sale[/url] 4. Castiel from Supernatural Is Wearing the Coat of an Asshole Demon HunterWarner Bros. TelevisionSupernatural is a show that started out as a story about two brothers hunting monsters before ultimately focusing on how adorable Jensen Ackles and Jared Padalecki are together. Warner Bros. Television [url=https://cheapjordannikeshoes.canerarslanalp.com/]Jordan 23 Shoes[/url] Which looks like it was just bought from the toy section at Walmart. Still, surely that's about as bad as it can get. It's not as if the artists, hah, represent Germany as a set of huge autobahns forming what looks a lot like a broken swastika. Via Artinvestment. ru [url=https://mbtzapatoses.canerarslanalp.com/]MBT[/url]